A Single Deck, a Bag-Tag Package, a Set of Discs, a Set of Locations, a Set of both Discs & Locations: There’s a pledge level for ALL!

Why do a Kickstarter?
Hi everyone, my name is Rob Eames.
I have been playing Trading Card Games since 1993 and gaming my entire life.
After going back to school for my Nursing Degree in 2003 I began obsessively playing Disc Golf.
In 2015 I had an idea for a Trading Card Game that would showcase the diverse natural beauty of the many disc golf courses around the World, while at the same time addressing some of the common shortfalls in the platform I thought might be helped by a new approach.

Check out our Kickstarter Guide:

All Cards are Rare Cards
All Disc Cards have the same Rarity.
Trading Card Games, in the literal interpretation of the phrase, are DEAD, in the current predominant forms.
Collectible Card Games, on the other hand, are making incredible amounts of money for their corporate interests, but TRADING, in my experience, is dead. There's a lot of BUYING and SELLING and SPECULATING, but you just don't see a lot of trading going on.
And even if you do see people doing trades, it's not Card for Card: it's Value for Value and really, we are just cutting out the middleman at that point.
I wanted to make sure people could get together and just TRADE cards, without worrying if they were missing a price spike or getting taken advantage of by someone who knows better.
Please see my FAQ's for more info about how all Disc Cards have the same Rarity. But it has a lot to do with how Disc Cards are Double-Sided, Double-Randomly matched front to back!

It’s Always “Your Turn”
Most Steps of the Turn are Done Together
Sometimes when we play Trading Card Games there’s a lot of waiting before we get to play ‘our turn'. Occasionally you might have a setup that can interfere with your opponent, but mostly it's a "wait for my turn" situation. This can cause the entire table to lose interest and the fun goes downhill.
You won’t have a lot of downtime during a round of Disc Cards. The initial game setup ramps everyone to full strength immediately: you're ready to throw on turn one.
Because every Disc Card has an "In Turn" and "Off Turn" effect, players need to be alert for opportunities to mess with their opponent’s throw in the form of random course occurrences and be vigilant when shenanigans are played on them in return!
Most of the action taking place when your group plays a Location happens simultaneously. Players pause for each other’s throws as in real Disc Golf, but otherwise we are tackling the turn together, all at once!

Crowd-SOURCED, not just Crowd-Funded
Every Supporter from Casual and Up has the opportunity to have their favorite Disc Golf Teepad or Basket included in Disc Cards: FOREVER. Our pool of Locations will continue to grow and change but Crowd-Sourced photos will never be trimmed from the lineup. Our pool of Locations will just get larger and larger. Seeing all of the amazing photos already donated to the cause make it certain there's much more in store.
Donors get a Photo Credit (or may remain anonymous) and the chance to purchase a pair of full uncut sheets of their Location Card with Random Disc Fronts on the reverse. Don't miss out on this chance to be part of history!
Check out some of the amazing places submitted by Disc Cards enthusiasts which are already in the Disc Cards Lineup!
Yes, that’s a Koala on a Disc Golf Course.

How Disc Cards Works
Build your Deck, Fill your Bag with Discs, Choose your Route, Smash Chains for Ace!
Yu want a good balance between Drivers, Midranges and Putters, usually 3:2:1, as that is what you are allowed in play at any one time.
You will want a FULL Bag before you try a Birdie or an Ace Route on a Location. You'll need every weapon at your disposal to make your dice rolls match the obstacles you find along those very difficult Routes. There’s always the Par Route!
Take a look as I show you how Bag Setup works:

There’s no waiting around before your turn.
Sometimes when we play Trading Card Games there’s a lot of waiting before we get to play ‘our turn'. This can cause the table to lose interest and fun goes downhill.
You won’t have a lot of downtime during a round of Disc Cards! Players need to be alert for opportunities to mess with their opponent’s throw: in the form of random course occurrences.
Most of the action taking place when your group plays a Location happens simultaneously. Players pause for each other’s throws as in real Disc Golf, but otherwise we are tackling the turn together!

After Setup, it’s time for Steps of the Turn. Players do the first four together.
Beginning Game Setup happens simultaneously for all Players, sure, but each turn played will have the first FOUR Steps of the Turn happening simultaneously as well!
Sometimes a Trading Card Game can seem like we’re all watching each other play a kind of Solitaire against each other. Not so with Disc Cards: you will stay engaged all round.
Let’s take a look at Steps of the Turn ONE and TWO!

Steps Three and Four demand big decisions!
During the Arrange and Route Steps. players are deciding if they are holding back and going conservative, waiting for the next Hole to make a bid at Ace or Bird.
Or, if the time is right, they might try to make a move and load up their Bag with what it takes to get that Ace or Birdie! Either way, there’s no going back once the first Disc is thrown!